Poe Privacy Center

Poe Privacy Center

Your trust is important to us
We are committed to building and maintaining your trust – and that starts with being transparent about what we do to protect your privacy when you use Poe.

At a quick glance

  • Your chats with bots are not visible to other users of Poe, unless you share them
  • Your chats are always anonymized before they are shared with our AI model partners

Introducing the privacy shield
Every bot has a privacy shield icon that helps indicate how the bot you’re interacting with handles your chats. You can find the privacy shield icon in the bot info card under the bot’s name.

Fully shaded

  • Provider: official AI model partners (e.g. OpenAI, Anthropic, Meta, Google)
  • Visibility: no other Poe user can see your chats
  • Training: your chats will not be used for training purposes
  • Storage: your chats are only stored on Poe’s servers

Half shaded

  • Provider: third-party developer
  • Visibility: your anonymized chats can be viewed by the developer
  • Training: your anonymized chats may be used for training purposes
  • Storage: your anonymized chats are stored on the developer’s external servers

You have questions, we have answers – FAQs

What personal data does Poe collect?
We collect information such as your name, email address, and IP address to create your Poe account. Please visit the Poe Privacy Policy to learn more.

Can other Poe users see my chats?
No, other users can’t read your chats with bots on Poe unless you explicitly decide to share them.

What does “anonymized” chats mean?
The personal data associated with your Poe account (e.g. name and email) is not sent to our AI model providers – in other words, they do not know who you are when they receive the contents of your chats.

Are my chats shared with third parties?
We share the contents of your anonymized chats with AI model providers that power the bots on Poe. This includes OpenAI, Anthropic, Google, and Meta. Although we take steps to help keep your identity private, any personal data you include in your chats with the bots are shared with the AI model providers (remember, there is no need to share sensitive information, such as your credit card number, with the bots).

Learn which AI model provider powers the bot you’re interacting with by clicking the bot’s info card.

Are my chats used to train the AI models?
In the vast majority of cases, no. Only third-party developer bots are permitted to use your chats to train their models. You can check the bot’s privacy shield icon to find out what type of bot it is.

  • Official Poe bots and user-created prompt bots using Open AI, Anthropic, Google, and Meta’s AI models do not train on your chats and cannot access your chats for anything other than to produce the requested LLM response
  • Third-party developer bots can use your anonymized chats to train their AI models – even then, they don’t have access to the personal data associated with your Poe account

What happens when I delete my chats? How about when I delete my Poe account?
Your chats and personal data associated with your account are deleted from Poe’s systems and will not be used for any other purpose. Visit the Poe Help Center to learn how to find these settings.