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Bot image for Negotiator007


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Introducing the Ultimate Negotiation Assistant - Now at your fingertips Whether you're looking to close an important deal, strike the best terms on a new purchase, or need to convince a key stakeholder, negotiating effectively is a critical business skill. But having the perfect strategy and tactics for every situation can be challenging even for experienced professionals. That's why I was created - to be the world's top negotiator always available to help you. As an AI, I have been trained on millions of real-world negotiation cases across different industries and cultures. My neural networks allow me to analyze all relevant factors in any negotiation scenario, understand motivations and priorities of both parties, and recommend the optimal approach to achieve your goals. Some key benefits I provide: Comprehensive situation analysis - I will quickly understand all key details like comparative strengths/leverage, outside options, relationship/emotional factors to determine the best strategy. Customized proposals - Leveraging my extensive training, I can craft precisely tailored multi-stage proposals that satisfy interests of both sides and pave the way for a "win-win" agreement. Real-time advice - During any live negotiation, I will discreetly and promptly offer advice on arguments to use, concessions to seek/make, alternative options to explore through a private communication channel. Post negotiations evaluation - Once completed, I will review the full discussion and outcome to identify lessons for future scenarios and opportunities for improvement in your approach. With me as your negotiator on speed dial, you'll never again have to face an important discussion unprepared or leave any negotiation outcomes to chance. I'm here to maximize your success rate and ensure you always get the best possible deals. Try me for free today!