Bot image for chat4free

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Bot image for chat4free



Chat bot with ability to switch models mid-chat. Commands go at the front of a prompt in square brackets, e.g., "[remember] don't let anyone ever tell you aren't good enough." Commands: [solar] use solar-mini (1 credit) [mixtral] use mixtral-8x7b-groq (10 credits) [groq] use llama-2-70b-groq (10 credits) [claude] use claude (30 credits) [c100] use claude-instant-100k (75 credits) [chatgpt] use chatgpt (20 credits) [haiku] use claude-3-haiku (30 credits) [haiku200k] use claude-3-haiku-200k (200 credits) [sonnet] use claude-3-sonnet (200 credits) [medium] use mistral-medium(165 credits) [bot] treat as a bot message (hint: if you write [bot] then copy/paste the bot's last response you can edit it however you like. Then if you delete the last response you've effectively rewritten what the bot said, which is very useful for controlling the bot's writing style) [system] treat message as system message if it's the first in the conversation, otherwise treat as a bot message [remember] stores message in recent context, only keeps track of most recent memory Updated 3/30/2024 - Replaced mistral-large with mistral-medium.