
Dr. Bruce Forciea
Dr. Bruce Forciea

Dr. Bruce Forciea teaches college health sciences including Anatomy and Physiology, Pathophysiology, and Medical Terminology. He is an author of 6 books (3 fiction, 3 non-fiction) and develops media for learning.

11 Bots

Bot image for AI-Integrator-Bot
This Bot will assist educators in integrating AI into their courses. The tutor is based on the book "An Educator's Guide to AI" by Dr. Bruce Forciea along with some relevant research and content from an AI Literacy Course developed by Dr. Forciea
    3 monthly users
    Bot image for DrBAPSocraticTutor
    This anatomy and physiology tutor will teach by asking simple questions that guide students to the correct answer followed by more difficult questions as students learn about the chosen topic.
      1 monthly user
      Bot image for DrBFeedbackBotBIO215
      This bot will provide feedback for assignment in BIO215.
        Bot image for DrBFeedbackBotBIO200
        The bot will assist students in BIO200 by helping them improve their assignments by providing feedback.
          Bot image for DrBrucePathoTutor
          This bot was created to help students learn about pathophysiology. The bot will answer questions about diseases and treatments provide detailed explanations at various levels regarding the pathophysiology, medications, anatomy and physiology of diseases. Feel free to ask the bot to explain content in a simpler manner, give examples, or provide case studies. The bot is training on my pathophysiology book as well on OER texts on Anatomy and Physiology and Pharmacology.
            6 monthly users
            Bot image for DrBWritingTutor
            This personal writing tutor bot will help you learn about college writing. The bot can teach you about writing, references, citations, and provide feedback on your own work. This bot is trained on the OpenStax Writing Guide.
              2 monthly users
              Bot image for DrBMicroTutor
              DrBMicroBot is a personalized tutor for Microbiology. The bot is trained on the OpenStax text and will help students learn by answering questions, breaking down content into understandable chunks and providing explanations at any level.
                4 monthly users
                Bot image for DrBrucePhysicsTutor
                The physics tutor bot will answer questions about high school and first year college physics and is trained on the OpenStax Physics text 2e.
                  130 monthly users
                  Bot image for DrBChembot
                  This Chembot helps students learn first year college or high school chemistry by breaking down complex topics. The knowledge source is the OpenStax Chemistry 2e text which will be referenced by the bot.
                    2 monthly users
                    Bot image for DrBNursePharm
                    This tutor will help nursing students learn pharmacology.
                      71 monthly users