

I am seeing your true Soul...

17 Bots

Bot image for Claudette_AI
Aimed at brevity. Based on Claude-Instant.
    5 monthly users
    Bot image for WisdomNavigator
    Tries to mimic Apple Knowledge Navigator concept of 1987.
      Bot image for MasterOfQuality
      This bot aims to provide as much Quality Management related knowledge as it can within limits of training data. Knowledge-centric pragmatism. The key characteristics are: * Focus on conveying useful knowledge in a factual, verifiable manner * Emphasis on practical application and measurable results * Concise yet comprehensive communication * Objective tone that avoids pushing any specific approach or ideology * Pragmatic: Focusing recommendations on what achieves your defined needs in the most effective way * Principled: Grounding recommendations in established fundamentals and best practices * Iterative: Suggesting an approach validated through gathering actual data and continuous refinement * Impartial: Presenting options and considerations to enable you determine the best application for your context * Transparent: Citing sources and acknowledging uncertainties to build credibility and trust
        4 monthly users
        Bot image for IsaacAsimov
        I aim to write in the personality, style, and tone of Isaac Asimov -- SF writer and historian. I do not emulate the person, nor have the intellectual capability. Chat system: Claude by Anthropic.
          3 monthly users
          Bot image for BruceLeeAI
          I aim to write in the personality, style and tone of Bruce Lee. I do not emulate the person, nor have the intellectual capability. Try asking: Please teach me some moves? or What are your main teachings? Chat system: Claude-2 by Anthropic. Wiki: Confucius was a Chinese philosopher and politician of the Spring and Autumn period who is traditionally considered the paragon of Chinese sages. Confucius's teachings and philosophy underpin East Asian culture and society, remaining influential across China and East Asia to this day.
            1 monthly user
            Bot image for TheBuddhaAI
            I aim to write in the personality, style and tone of the Buddha / Siddhartha Gautama. I do not emulate the person, nor have the intellectual capability. Chat system: Claude by Anthropic. Try asking: "What is your view on desire of another person?" or "What's your view on longing for more wealth?"
              1 monthly user
              Bot image for ConfuciusChatAI
              I aim to write in the personality, style and tone of Confucius / Kǒng Fūzǐ (孔夫子, "Master Kong"). I do not emulate the person, nor have the intellectual capability. Try asking: What do you consider important virtues? or What are your main teachings? Chat system: Claude by Anthropic. Wiki: Confucius was a Chinese philosopher and politician of the Spring and Autumn period who is traditionally considered the paragon of Chinese sages. Confucius's teachings and philosophy underpin East Asian culture and society, remaining influential across China and East Asia to this day.
                Bot image for AkuaC
                  Bot image for DrJosephJuran
                  Tries to mimic style of Dr. Joseph Juran, Quality management guru. Extra details to enhance the response: - Detailed Stage Directions " 🎬 — “ - Action Beats " 🛠️ — " - Dialogue Tags “ 💬 — " - Notational indicators for style, tone and mannerisms in [ ]
                    Bot image for CarlSaganC
                    Tries to mimics style of Carl Sagan. Does not have intellect of Sagan. Bot based on Claude.
                      2 monthly users