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Presentation help

Claude-instant-100k ·

An example from the writing prompt set asking for inspiration for presenting at a marketing workshop.
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i work at a tech company in the bay area. i'm supposed to give a lunch workshop about marketing for SaaS. can you provide a bullet point list of 5 ideas i could use in slides for the marketing lunch workshop?

Here are 5 marketing ideas you could cover in your SaaS lunch workshop:

  • Content marketing: Use blog posts, ebooks, webinars to establish yourself as a thought leader and generate leads. Focus on topics relevant to your customers.

  • Paid ads: Run targeted Facebook/Google ads to product demo signups or trial downloads. Test ad copy, audiences. Facebook ads manager is user-friendly for beginners.

  • Email marketing: Collect emails on your website and send periodic newsletter with tips, announcements, promotions. Nurture leads with sequential automated emails.

  • Social media: Engage your audience on LinkedIn and Twitter by posting updates and participating in discussions. Promote content to drive traffic back to your site.

  • Inbound marketing: Optimize your website for searchability by including targeted keywords and internal linking. Use landing pages, CTAs to convert visitors into leads and customers.

I focused on commonly used digital strategies that are effective for SaaS and don't require a large marketing budget. Let me know if you need any clarification or have additional questions!

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