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White Christmas Cast

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Are any cast members from the movie White Christmas currently living?

Yes, there are still some cast members from the movie "White Christmas" who are alive. Here is a list of the surviving cast members:

  1. Anne Whitfield: She played General Waverly's granddaughter, Susan, in the film. As of the writing of this response, Anne Whitfield is still alive and is now 78 years old [2].

It is worth noting that other cast members from "White Christmas" have passed away. Here is a list of some notable cast members who are no longer with us:

  1. Bing Crosby: Bing Crosby, who played the lead role in the film, passed away in 1977 at the age of 74 [2].
  2. Danny Kaye: Danny Kaye, who co-starred with Bing Crosby, passed away in 1987 at the age of 76 [2].
  3. Rosemary Clooney: Rosemary Clooney, who played a significant role in the film, passed away in 2002 at the age of 74 [2].
  4. Vera-Ellen Westmeier Rohe: Vera-Ellen, who played Rosemary Clooney's sister in the film, passed away in 1981 at the age of 60 [2].
  5. Dean Jagger: Dean Jagger, who played the retired General Waverly, passed away in 1991 at the age of 87 [2].
  6. Mary Wickes: Mary Wickes, who played the gossipy innkeeper, passed away in 1995 at the age of 85 [2].
  7. Johnny Grant: Johnny Grant, who played Ed Harrison in the film, passed away in 2008 at the age of 84 [2].

Learn more:

  1. Is anyone from White Christmas still alive? - Quora
  2. The Ghosts of “White Christmas” Past - Jamie Todd Rubin
  3. Is anyone still alive from White Christmas? - - #1 Official Stars, Business & People Network, Wiki, Success story, Biography & Quotes
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