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Pudding Mix Alternatives

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What are substitute options for pudding mix in baking cookies or cakes?

When making baked goods like cookies or cakes, there are several alternatives to using pudding mix. Here are some options you can consider:

  1. Homemade Pudding Mix: You can make your own pudding mix using simple ingredients like cornstarch, sugar, and cocoa powder for chocolate flavor. This homemade mix can be used as a substitute for instant pudding mix in baking recipes [2].

  2. Cornstarch and Sugar Mixture: A simple alternative to pudding mix is a mixture of cornstarch and sugar. For example, you can use 1 part cornstarch to 2 parts fine sugar, along with some vanilla extract or vanilla powder, as a substitute for pudding mix in your baked goods [1].

  3. Flavored Extracts: Instead of using pudding mix for flavoring, you can use flavored extracts such as vanilla, almond, or lemon to add a burst of flavor to your baked goods. Simply adjust the amount of extract according to your taste preferences.

  4. Yogurt or Sour Cream: Yogurt or sour cream can be used as a substitute for pudding mix in certain recipes. They add moisture and richness to the baked goods. You can use an equal amount of yogurt or sour cream as the amount of pudding mix called for in the recipe.

  5. Fruit Puree: Another alternative is to use fruit puree, such as applesauce or mashed bananas, to add moisture and flavor to your baked goods. These can be used as a substitute for pudding mix in recipes that call for a moist texture.

Learn more:

  1. How to Substitute Instant Vanilla Pudding - Baking - Joyous Home Forum
  2. Baking Substitute for Instant Chocolate Pudding | livestrong
  3. Substitution for cake mix containing pudding - Cookies substitute cakemix | Ask MetaFilter
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