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Time Ranges

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What are the time ranges for morning, afternoon, evening, and night? Do these time ranges vary based on location or the seasons?

The time ranges for morning, afternoon, evening, and night can vary slightly depending on different sources and cultural norms. However, I will provide you with a general understanding based on the search results.


  • Morning typically refers to the time period after sunrise until around noon [2].
  • Early morning is usually considered to be from 6:00 am to 9:00 am [2].
  • Mid-morning is often defined as 8:00 am to 10:00 am [2].
  • Late morning is generally considered to be from 9:00 am to noon [2].


  • Afternoon is commonly understood to be from noon until around 6:00 pm [2].
  • Early afternoon is typically considered to be from 12:00 pm to 3:00 pm [2].
  • Mid-afternoon is often defined as 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm [2].
  • Late afternoon is generally considered to be from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm [2].


  • Evening is generally considered to start around 6:00 pm and lasts until around 9:00 pm [2].
  • Late evening can be defined as the time period from 9:00 pm until midnight [2].


  • Night is typically understood to be from midnight until sunrise [2].
  • Late night is often considered to be from midnight to 6:00 am [2].
  • Toward morning is generally defined as the time period from 3:00 am to 6:00 am [3].

It's important to note that these time ranges can vary depending on cultural and regional differences. Additionally, the specific times for morning, afternoon, evening, and night may change slightly with different seasons, as daylight hours can vary throughout the year.

Learn more:

  1. Parts of the Day: Early morning, late morning, etc. - Britannica
  2. What time is "afternoon" and when is "evening" ?
  3. How do you define daytime and evening times in a weather forecast?
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