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CE5 Overview

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What does the CE-5 protocol entail?

The CE-5 protocol, also known as Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind protocol, is a set of guidelines and techniques developed by Dr. Steven Greer to facilitate peaceful contact and communication with extraterrestrial civilizations. The protocol aims to expand consciousness and establish a connection with interstellar beings. Here is an overview of the CE-5 protocol:

  1. Consciousness Expansion: The CE-5 protocol emphasizes the importance of expanding one's consciousness through meditation, visualization, and intention setting. By raising one's vibrational frequency and entering a state of deep relaxation, individuals can enhance their receptivity to extraterrestrial contact.

  2. Group Synchronization: CE-5 experiences are often conducted in groups, as collective consciousness and intention can amplify the potential for contact. Participants synchronize their thoughts and intentions to create a unified field of consciousness, enhancing the likelihood of establishing contact with extraterrestrial beings.

  3. Remote Viewing: Remote viewing is a technique used in the CE-5 protocol to perceive distant locations or objects through extrasensory perception. Participants focus their attention on specific coordinates or locations associated with UFO sightings or extraterrestrial activity, allowing them to gather information and establish a connection.

  4. Light and Sound Signals: CE-5 practitioners use light and sound signals as a means of communication with extraterrestrial beings. This can involve using flashlights, lasers, or other light-emitting devices to send signals towards the sky. Additionally, specific tones or frequencies may be used to attract or communicate with interstellar civilizations.

  5. Meditation and Visualization: Meditation and visualization play a crucial role in the CE-5 protocol. Participants enter a meditative state, focusing their thoughts and intentions on making contact with extraterrestrial beings. Visualization techniques may involve imagining a peaceful encounter, sending love and positive energy, or envisioning a telepathic connection.

  6. Fieldwork and Expeditions: CE-5 experiences often take place in areas known for UFO sightings or high levels of extraterrestrial activity. Dr. Greer organizes expeditions and workshops where participants learn and practice the CE-5 protocols in the field. These events provide opportunities for individuals to share their experiences, learn from each other, and document any encounters.

It's important to note that the CE-5 protocol is a controversial topic within the field of ufology, and its effectiveness and validity are subjects of debate. While some individuals claim to have had profound experiences and encounters using the CE-5 protocols, others remain skeptical and demand scientific evidence to support these claims.

Learn more:

  1. Contact: The CE5 Experience - Apple TV
  2. CE5 Contact - Apps on Google Play
  3. Contact: The CE-5 Experience Review: Preaching to the Choir - Victor Stiff Reviews
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