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Alternative Phrases

Web-Search ·

Is it appropriate to use the phrase "Thanks for your informing" as a way to express gratitude when someone provides me with information?

No, it is not common to say "Thanks for your informing" when someone informs you about something. There are more natural and commonly used alternatives to express gratitude in this context. Here are some alternative ways to say "Thanks for informing":

  1. Thanks for letting me know [1].
  2. Thanks for the tip [1].
  3. Thanks for the heads up [1].
  4. Thank you for keeping me informed [3].
  5. Thank you for the update [3].
  6. I appreciate the information [3].
  7. Thank you for notifying me [3].
  8. Thank you for sharing the news [3].
  9. I'm grateful for your update [3].
  10. Thank you for the clarification [3].

These phrases convey gratitude for being informed and are commonly used in various contexts, including professional communication, personal interactions, and casual conversations [3].

Learn more:

  1. Can I say “Thanks for your informing” when someone ... - Quora
  2. expressions - Is there a common way to distinctly express thanks when "in advance" vs "after done" for different subjects? - English Language Learners Stack Exchange
  3. Is It Grammatically Correct To Say "Thanks For Letting Me Know"?
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