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Correct Form

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Which is the accurate phrase: "bear the burden" or "bare the burden"?

The correct form is "bear the burden" [1]. The word "bear" in this context means to carry or support, while "bare" means uncovered or naked. So, "bear the burden" is the appropriate phrase to use when referring to carrying a heavy load or responsibility.

Here is an example of how to use the phrase "bear the burden" in a sentence:

  • "Despite the challenges, she was determined to bear the burden and take on the responsibility of leading the team to success."

Learn more:

  1. What's the correct form: 'bear the burden' or 'bare the ... - Quora
  2. “Bear With Me” or “Bare With Me”? Meaning and Examples
  3. Which is correct bear the cost or bare the cost? - Answers
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