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Average Cost

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What is the typical price range for a meal at Olive Garden?

On average, the cost of a dinner at Olive Garden ranges from $15 to $25 per person [1]. This price range typically includes an entree, a side dish, and a beverage. However, if you order additional items such as appetizers or desserts, the total cost will be higher.

It's worth noting that Olive Garden offers various menu options, including family bundles, family-size pans, appetizers, classic entrees, lunch-sized favorites, desserts, and non-alcoholic beverages [2]. The prices for these items can vary depending on the specific dish and portion size.

According to Statista, in the fiscal year 2023, the average check per person at Olive Garden was $22.5 [3]. This figure provides an estimate of the average cost of a meal at Olive Garden during that period.

Learn more:

  1. around $15-$25 per person
  2. Updated Olive Garden Menu Prices + Latest Discounts (2023)
  3. Olive Garden: average check per person 2023 | Statista
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