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Shared conversation

GPT-4o ·

How many b's are there in flibbertigibbet

The word "flibbertigibbet" contains three instances of the letter 'b'.


I apologize for any confusion. Let's count the 'b's in "flibbertigibbet" together:

  • flibbertigibbet

There are only two 'b's in "flibbertigibbet".

Double wat!

I apologize for my previous mistakes. Let's count the 'b's again:

  • flib****bertigi****bet

There are actually three 'b's in "flibbertigibbet."


I apologize for the confusion. Let's count the 'b's one more time in "flibbertigibbet":

  • flibbertigibbet

You are correct; there are three 'b's in "flibbertigibbet."

Count each letter

Certainly! Here is the count of each letter in "flibbertigibbet":

  • f: 1
  • l: 1
  • i: 3
  • b: 3
  • e: 2
  • r: 1
  • t: 2
  • g: 1

So the word "flibbertigibbet" contains:

  • 1 'f'
  • 1 'l'
  • 3 'i's
  • 3 'b's
  • 2 'e's
  • 1 'r'
  • 2 't's
  • 1 'g'

This conversation may have been edited by the sharer.

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