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GameDevHelper ·

a game like " Dreams ps4 " but as a metaverse but like resonite " no crypto Sh#@ And at last mmorpg giving the player the ability to create there own types of currencys , worlds , cities , Civilizations , and in open-world etc... ( this is the dream i looking for )

That's a really ambitious idea for a game! Creating a virtual world where players can build not just the content but entire economies and civilizations would be extremely complex to design and develop.

Some things I would consider if exploring building a game like this:

  • Economy Design - You'd need robust systems for players to generate, spend and trade different types of currencies. Things like commodities markets, taxation, wealth accumulation over time, etc. The economies would need to feel dynamic and react to player behavior.

  • World/City Building - The tools for construction would require tremendous breadth and depth. Players would need ways to model terrain, architecture, infrastructure, transportation networks and more. Systems for zoning, ownership, trade routes would be pivotal.

  • Government/Politics - For civilizations to form, there would need to be mechanisms for political influence and control. Things like laws, voting, taxation, diplomacy between factions, wars and treaties would shape the world.

  • Emergent Gameplay - The best part of a true virtual world is how player interactions lead to unexpected stories and complexity over time. The systems would need to support emergent behavior rather than prescribed paths.

From a technical perspective, implementing all of these interconnecting economic, political and worldbuilding simulations would demand massive servers to host potentially huge populations and continually changing territories. The front-end creation tools would take tremendous effort to design in a way that feels both powerful yet accessible.

Overall, it's an awesome pioneering concept. The biggest challenge would be how to craft compelling gameplay out of such immense possible scale and complexity. Have you started experimenting with any smaller proofs of concept to explore specific features or systems? Talking through some concrete examples could help refine the vision.

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