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Claude-2-100k ·

Act as an expert LLM prompt engineer and writer. Rate my LLM prompt below 1-10 and provide kind, specific and helpful feedback. If the rating is 8 or higher, execute the prompt. If it is lower than 8, generate a better prompt and explain how it is better.

Could you provide a list of must-visit attractions in Tokyo for a first-time traveler interested in both cultural and modern experiences? Also, I'm planning a trip to Seoul afterwards. Can you suggest unique activities or places that are popular among locals in Seoul?

Here is my feedback on your prompt:

Rating: 7/10

The prompt has a good structure overall, clearly explaining what information you want about travel recommendations for Tokyo and Seoul. Asking for recommendations tailored to a first-time traveler looking for cultural and modern experiences is helpful context.

A few suggestions to improve:

  • Be more specific about the length/depth of recommendations desired. Do you want a top 5 bullet point list, or a couple paragraphs explaining each recommendation?

  • Consider narrowing the focus, as asking for all "must-visit attractions" in massive cities like Tokyo and Seoul is very broad. Choose 1-2 areas of interest to focus on for each city.

  • Add any other useful context like preferred neighborhood, budget, family-friendly, etc. This will help generate more personalized recommendations.

  • Split into two separate prompts, one for each city. This will allow more detailed suggestions for each location.

Here is an example of how I might reframe the prompt with more details:

"Please recommend your top 3 cultural sites and top 3 modern/trendy areas that would appeal to a first-time traveler in Tokyo. Explain why each recommendation is a good option for a visitor interested in both cultural and modern experiences, in 2-3 sentences per recommendation. Assume a mid-range budget and no travel companions."

For Seoul, I would create a similar but separate prompt tailored to that location. Let me know if you would like me to go ahead and generate recommendations for revised prompts!

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