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drink Kool-Aid

The phrase "drink the Kool-Aid" is an idiomatic expression that refers to a person or group uncritically accepting an idea or ideology without questioning or analyzing it. The phrase originated from the 1978 Jonestown massacre, where members of a cult led by Jim Jones consumed a flavored drink mixed with cyanide, leading to the deaths of over 900 people.

In a modern context, "drink the Kool-Aid" is often used to describe situations where a person or group blindly accepts a belief or ideology without considering the consequences or potential flaws. It can be used in a variety of contexts, from politics to business to personal relationships.

For example, someone might say, "I can't believe he's still drinking the Kool-Aid and supporting that political candidate despite all the evidence against them," or "The employees were so brainwashed that they were all drinking the company Kool-Aid and couldn't see the toxic work environment they were in."

The phrase is often used in a negative context and suggests that the person or group in question is naive or gullible. It can also imply that they are willingly ignoring evidence or information that contradicts their beliefs, often to their own detriment.

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