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list docker network types

In Docker, there are several different network types that you can use to connect containers to each other and to the outside world. Here are the main network types:

  1. Bridge network: This is the default network type in Docker. It provides a private network for containers on a single host, and allows them to communicate with each other using IP addresses. Containers on the same bridge network can communicate with each other directly, without the need for port mapping.

  2. Host network: This mode removes network isolation between the container and the host. The container shares the host's network stack and can use its network interfaces directly. This can provide better network performance, but it also exposes the container to potential security risks.

  3. Overlay network: This network type allows containers to communicate with each other across multiple Docker hosts in a Swarm cluster. This is useful for creating distributed applications that span multiple hosts.

  4. Macvlan network: This network type allows you to assign a MAC address to a container, making it appear as if it is a physical device on the network. This allows containers to be directly connected to the physical network, which can be useful for applications that require direct access to the network.

  5. None network: This mode disables networking for the container entirely. This can be useful for containers that don't need to communicate with other containers or with the outside world.

  6. Network plugins: Docker also supports third-party network plugins, which allow you to use custom network types and configurations for your containers. These plugins can be used to provide features such as encryption, load balancing, and integration with other networking technologies.

Overall, the choice of network type depends on the specific needs of your application and how you want your containers to communicate with each other and with the outside world.

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