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Assistant ·

erratic, about someone?

If someone is described as "erratic," it generally means that their behavior is unpredictable, inconsistent, or unreliable. An erratic person may exhibit sudden or unexpected changes in mood, attitude, or behavior, which can make it difficult to anticipate their actions or reactions.

An erratic person may also have difficulty sticking to a routine or following through on commitments, which can make it challenging to work or interact with them in a consistent manner. They may also be prone to making impulsive decisions or taking unnecessary risks, which can lead to unexpected or negative outcomes.

Here are a few examples of how "erratic" can be used in sentences to describe someone:

  • His behavior became increasingly erratic after he lost his job, and his friends and family became concerned for his well-being.
  • The politician's erratic behavior and inconsistent statements made it difficult for voters to trust him.
  • She had a hard time working with her boss because his management style was so erratic, and he would often change his mind at the last minute.
  • The athlete's performance was highly erratic, with sudden fluctuations in his speed and accuracy during competition.
  • The driver's erratic behavior on the road was a cause for concern, as they were swerving in and out of traffic and ignoring traffic signals.

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