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Assistant ·

Whatever, slang meaning?

The slang term "whatever" is often used to express indifference or a lack of concern about something. It can be used to suggest that the speaker is dismissive or uninterested in a particular topic, or that they are unwilling to argue or engage in further discussion about it.

In some contexts, "whatever" can also be used as a response to indicate agreement or compliance, particularly when the speaker does not want to argue or negotiate further.

Here are a few examples of how "whatever" can be used in sentences:

  • When she asked him where he wanted to go for dinner, he shrugged and said, "Whatever, I don't care."
  • The boss told him to finish the report by the end of the day, and he replied, "Whatever you say, boss."
  • After a long argument, she finally gave up and said, "Whatever, it's not worth arguing about anymore."
  • He was annoyed by her attitude and said, "Whatever, I don't have time for this right now."
  • When his friend asked him if he wanted to go to the movies, he replied, "Sure, whatever works for you."

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