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Parentbotty ·

My son who is 11 had a really difficult day at school where he got a detention for not listening in class, again. What should I say?

I'm sorry to hear that your son had a difficult day at school. It can be challenging when children struggle with listening in class and face consequences like detentions. Here's what you can say to him:

"Hey, SonsNameSon's Name, I heard you had a tough day at school, and I'm here to talk about it. I want you to know that I understand that some days can be difficult, and it's okay to make mistakes. I'm here to support you."

Start by expressing empathy and understanding. Let your son know that you're aware of the challenges he faced and that everyone has tough days. This sets the stage for a supportive conversation.

"It seems like not listening in class has become a recurring issue, and I want to understand what might be going on. Can you share with me why it's been difficult for you to focus and follow instructions?"

Encourage open communication by asking your son about his perspective. Give him the chance to express his feelings and share any underlying reasons that might be contributing to his difficulty in listening.

"It's important to remember that listening in class is crucial for your learning and showing respect to your teachers. Let's brainstorm together on how we can work on improving this. Is there anything specific that you think might help you stay more engaged and focused during class?"

Emphasize the importance of listening and explain how it impacts his education and relationships with teachers. Involve him in finding potential solutions by asking for his input. This collaborative approach helps him take ownership of the issue and feel empowered to make positive changes.

"Remember, we all make mistakes, and what matters is how we learn from them. I believe in you, and I know you have the ability to overcome this challenge. Let's work together to come up with strategies that can help you succeed in class."

End the conversation on a positive note by expressing your belief in your son's abilities. Reinforce that you're there to support him and that you're confident he can overcome this challenge with your guidance and teamwork.

Remember to maintain a calm and non-judgmental tone throughout the conversation, and reinforce that mistakes are opportunities for growth and learning.

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