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Shared conversation

Claude-2-100k ·

Here is a summary of the most common opinions from the reader comments:

  • Many express unwillingness to pay for a service that has been free, especially when they feel their data has already been monetized. There is skepticism that many users would opt to pay.

  • Some see it as a greedy money grab by Meta and Zuckerberg. There is distrust of motives and business model.

  • However, a few do seem open to paying a small fee if it means avoiding ads and having more privacy. But the proposed $14-17 price point seems high to many.

  • Multiple readers say they don't use Facebook/Instagram anymore or never have, seeing it as a negative influence they are better off without.

  • Some argue targeted advertising provides useful information and fuels free platforms, and doubt the harm of data collection. They see it as fair tradeoff.

  • There is criticism of government regulations dictating company policies, arguments for and against targeted ads.

  • Overall the reaction seems very negative toward the subscription idea and Meta. There is backlash to paying for privacy/no ads after providing free data.

In summary, the overall public reaction based on these comments skews very critical and resistant to the idea of paying Meta for an ad-free experience. There is significant distrust and disdain toward Meta's practices.

This conversation may have been edited by the sharer.

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