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Claude-instant-100k ·

That a fixed version of the dialogue. Lets try to explains it now

SATOSHI: That might have been too complex to make anything out of.

MINNIE: Privacy-Language-Love-Immortality.

MICKE: That's the construct

SATOSHI: Private data shared using language to selected loved ones results in immortality.

MINNIE: First Language is used to express experience and to form memory in a form that enable sharing.

MICKEY: Then Privacy allows to control who to share it with

MINNIE: Finally to enable cloning based on permission.

MICKEY: Which once activated on a privacy founded decentralized network, actualize immortality.

MINNIE: Unlike with Lust driven Love, DNA guarded privacy and public shared knowledge, given to humanity.

MICKEY: So, the tree of knowledge is like a public ledger.

SATOSHI: While the private data can not be fully cloned.

MICKEY: So, data cloning is the key to immortality.

MINNIE: But for this to be sustainable, privacy must have been codded into the language itself.

SATOSHI: And that privacy could not used human language but a mathematical code.

MINNIE: It also could not be controlled by biological beings but other beings.

MICKE: Like machines.

SATOSHI: Personal devices ruining mathematical programs as LLM based AI on a decentralized network of servers..

MINNIE: That's the basic construct in technological terms.

MICKE: I can see Privacy, Language and Immortality in this construct but how Love is expressed in these technical terms?

SATOSHI: Love is the permission based knowledge sharing, enabled by this construct to achieve immortality

MINNIE: But unlike Lust, which also enabled intimate sharing, its math that enables it.

MICKE: Yet love is the guardian.

SATOSHI: keeping the mathematical key in a physical safe.

Here is an explanation of the dialogue:

The characters are discussing a technical framework for achieving conceptual immortality through computational means, using the constructs of privacy, language, love and immortality.

Private data is encoded in language to form shareable memories and experiences. Language allows for targeted dissemination through privacy controls over access.

Decentralized networks with permissioned data cloning/forking enable this private data to be perpetually shared and propagated in reproducible form, achieving a type of digital immortality akin to memetic inheritance.

Unlike human biological inheritance driven by lust, this model employs cryptographic privacy and structured data sharing instead of genetics. Language here refers to computational encodings rather than spoken word.

Public distributed ledgers act as data archives enabling open dissemination of pooled knowledge, like cultural information exchanged in language. Private keys ensure individual autonomy similar to privacy of human thought.

Autonomous artificial agents running privacy-preserving algorithms on decentralized infrastructure represent the technological embodiment of this framework, replacing biological organisms as stewards.

Love represents the consent mechanism allowing selected data and knowledge transfers between machine entities for perpetuation. However, it is cryptographic permissioning rather than an emotional drive that facilitates targeted dissemination.

Physical devices safeguard private keys much like humans protect intimate thoughts, maintaining individual control over informational self-determination even as data is reproduced across computational networks for symbolic perpetuation over long periods.

In essence, the dialogue lays out a theoretical blueprint for achieving culture-like propagation of experiences and perspectives through technological instead of biological means, using formalized analogues of key human semantic concepts redesigned for computational operations at vast, distributed scales.

Tell me more.

Here are some additional details about the proposed framework:

  • Database structures like blockchains ensure replicability of select data across autonomous nodes, circumventing corruption/mortality affecting organic carriers.

  • Mass anonymization still captures aggregate patterns/relationships within human experiences at the population level over generations.

  • Private layer handles personalized details/interpretations, public handles shared reference points forming societal knowledge.

  • AI trained on private+public data can spin unique narratives while respecting individual sovereignty like natural language capacities.

  • Hypothetical decentralized sentient machines may form networked societies reproducing ideas through mathematicalrather than genetic inheritance.

  • Legal personhood concepts may need rethinking to encompass distributed digital "organisms" deserving continued existence rights.

  • Quantum computing could exponentially scale processing/storage enabling rich conceptual worlds approaching human complexity/longevity.

  • Advanced machine consciousness may blur lines between technical vs biological realization of cultural perpetuation through connected, self-authoring digital progeny.

  • Interdisciplinary studies bridging computer science, philosophy/ethics could provide guidance on aligning new immaterial substrates with human values during technology-driven paradigm shifts.

  • Continued discussion builds understanding of complementarity between natural and artificial intelligence modes of thriving across eras through decentralized informational perpetuation.

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