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GPT-4 ·

Generate a human understandable comparison scale, of different body of texts, in terms of how many tokens they would embed to.
Think about average lengths of tweets, news articles, blogposts, wiki pages, bible, encyclopedia etc and generate a table of each in average length in tokens

Here's a human-understandable comparison scale of different types of texts and their estimated average length in tokens (words and punctuation marks). Keep in mind that these are approximate estimates and can vary greatly depending on the specific content.

Type of TextAverage Length in Tokens
SMS/Text Message10-20
News Headline8-15
News Article400-800
Blog Post500-1500
Wikipedia Page1000-5000
Short Story3000-8000
The Bible800,000
Encyclopedia1-10 million+

Please note that these numbers are rough estimates and may vary depending on the specific instance of each text type.

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