Bot image for Claude-2-100k

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Claude-2-100k ·



大問1 英文読解

Yuki went to London last summer vacation. She visited many famous places like Big Ben, London Eye, and Buckingham Palace. She also enjoyed traditional British food like fish and chips. Yuki had a great time on her trip.

質問1. Where did Yuki go?
質問2. What places did she visit?
質問3. What food did she eat?

大問2 単語

  1. 図書館
  2. 科学
  3. コンピューター

大問3 会話文

Taro: Hello, _____________________?
Hanako: I'm great, thank you. How are you?
Taro: I'm good. Did you have a nice summer vacation?
Hanako: Yes, I went to Okinawa with my family. How about you?
Taro: I stayed home and relaxed.

大問4 英作文

大問5 聞き取り

Welcome back from summer vacation! I hope you enjoyed your break and feel refreshed. As we start the new semester, let's work hard and do our best. If we keep a positive attitude, I know we can achieve great things this year. Now is the time to set goals and make plans. Don't forget - your success depends on your effort. Let's have an awesome year together!

質問1. What is the speaker welcoming students back from?
質問2. What does the speaker encourage students to have?
質問3. What does the speaker say is important to do now?


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